Our farm
On our farm we are all about restoring and maintaining the natural landscape, biodiversity and ecosystems, and producing in a way that has a positive impact on the environment and reduces our reliance on industrial systems.
***Around our dams and in some other areas we are fencing and planting to repair erosion and support natural regeneration of the landscape and native biodiversity.
***We have planted a forest of one of the longest living trees - oaks - to boost our carbon drawdown efforts, restore soil biodiversity, and ensure the carbon stays in the ground for the long haul - and in the meantime to produce delicious truffles!***We also have two - now three - gorgeous donkeys, Boyo (brown and always cheeky), Madeleine (grey and timid but getting more comfortable with us every day) and their lively daughter Gallahops. Here are Boyo and Madeleine not long after they arrived. Boyo came from a Victorian farm where he was doted on, but needed a new home, and Madeleine was captured as a wild donkey in central Aus and was destined to be shipped overseas for use in alternative remedies!And here they are looking much happier and healthier![]()
And this is Gallahops! She was born in December 2021 and is already bigger than her dad. She started off pretty timid like her mum, but now is the most cheeky, hilarious and cuddle-loving one of them all.***After adding new fencing and lots of troughs, we have recently started grazing cattle using regenerative agriculture practices, to improve soil health and drawdown carbon, and to be able to produce naturally nutritious food.***Here are a few more pics from around the farm....This is what we love to see - lots and lots of worms doing their magic, turning the world beneath our feet into something that sustains all life above it!...We love seeing nature do it's thing. Witnessing the irrepressible cycle of life and death through the incredibly life-affirming process of decay somehow never gets boring for us. We leave most of the branches that fall from the big trees around us to naturally decompose and add their sustenance to the soil....We are in the process of restoring the beautiful old Icy Creek town hall....Gathering wildflowers
...We love saffron mushrooms! Especially those we forage ourselves!
...Also chestnuts from our prolific chestnut tree. Our absolute top top favourite way to eat them is in chestnut soup.***
For more about our farm, you can follow us using this link @icycreektruffleco