New soap subscription service!
My mission with The Icy Creek Soap Co. is to not only showcase beautiful soap made only with local and genuinely natural ingredients, but also to help as many people as possible transition towards more earth-friendly, informed and waste-free living.
For a small business like mine, selling via subscription service really helps me reduce my costs which means I can pass on those savings to my customers. That way, I can make genuinely earth-friendly soap more accessible to more people.
I’d love your help to achieve that!
You can now sign up for a monthly soap delivery (or every second or third month) and never need to think about re-ordering again! 🧼😌
Ordering this way means you’ll save $$$ too ✨
Tread lightly and look after your skin
x Monique
#handmadesoap #oliveoilsoap #allnaturalsoap #allnatural #nontoxicliving #barsnotbottles